Tree ID

Tree ID

Join Outdoor Programs staff for a walk at Hisle Farm Park and learn how to identify some of the trees along the way. This hike will be easy/to moderate and up to 1.5 mile in distance. Please bring water and dress for the weather. Registration suggested for program updates, but not required for participation. Register at

Walk With a Doc

Walk With a Doc

Dr Jennings’ guests for Walk With A Doc during Tree Week will be Dr Scott Smith, Acting Director of the Arboretum and Dean Emeritus of the College of Agriculture; Dr Mark Williams, Chair of Horticulture; and Nick Williamson, UK Arborist and Arboriculture Superintendent.
We will walk through the Arboretum discussing tree species, how trees affect the health of the planet and how each of us can play a part in maintaining our tree canopy in Lexington. Please join us!

Tree I.D. Walk

Tree I.D. Walk

Learn to identify trees at McConnell Springs by leaves, bark, thorns, seeds and other distinctive characteristics. This program will include a guided walk at a leisurely pace. The path is ADA compliant.