Piano Music Inspired by Trees and Nature
Free, informal recital featuring piano pieces inspired by trees and nature played by piano students of all ages.
Free, informal recital featuring piano pieces inspired by trees and nature played by piano students of all ages.
Nuts about Trees is a family-friendly event to learn more about the identification and uses of common tree nuts; shagbark hickory and black walnut. We will share how to make ink from black walnuts and also get to paint with the ink. Challenge yourself by cracking your own hickory nuts at the site. Get a feeling for how hard it is to crack this nut and explore how animals access this important food source. Reward yourself with a taste of a fresh hickory nut if you can get it out!
Celebrate Lexington’s beautiful greenways with us at the opening reception of Art by Nature! This year’s theme is Monarch Waystations. Monarch Waystations are gardens that provide food and shelter for monarch butterflies during their migration.
Entry to view the exhibit is free during the event! Join us in admiring artwork created by local artists and stop by our table for some crafts and refreshments. Awards will be announced at 7 p.m.
In this workshop participants will use Kentucky native trees, Black Walnut husks and Osage wood chips to dye silk. This workshop is a collaboration between School of Art and Visual Studies and Chemistry Department, sharing with participants the beauty and science behind natural dyes.
Join arborist Jess Slade for a guided walk through the Meadowthorpe neighborhood to learn about some of the unique and veteran trees that line our streets. We’ll discuss the natural history of various tree species, best practices for tree care, and some easy tricks for tree identification.
This will be a leisurely walk along neighborhood sidewalks for a total distance of approximately 1.25 miles. We will meet in front of the Meadowthorpe Community Center located at 333 Larch Lane.